Tiền ảo: 29,756 Sàn giao dịch: 765 Vốn hóa: $2,430,712,659,185 Khối lượng (24h): $68,164,725,166 Thị phần: BTC: 54.3%, ETH: 15.4%
XSwap v3 (XDC Network)XSwap v3 (XDC Network)
Xếp hạng # 14:56:12 18/05/2024

Khối lượng giao dịch (24h) tại XSwap v3 (XDC Network)

$267,423 -56.45%
Cặp giao dịch 28 cặp Số coin niêm yết 12 Tiền pháp định -
Khối lượng 24 giờ $267,423 -56.45% Khối lượng 7 ngày $1,953,795 -18.69% Khối lượng 30 ngày $7,446,890 +62.84%
Khối lượng giao ngay (24h) $268,380 Khối lượng phái sinh (24h) - Điểm thanh khoản -

Các cặp đang giao dịch Giao ngay tại XSwap v3 (XDC Network)

#TiềnCặpGiá (USD)Khối lượng (24h)Cập nhật
1 Fathom Dollar Fathom Dollar FXD FXD/SRX $0.9977 $170,689 15:02:14 18/05/2024
2 STASIS EURO STASIS EURO EURS EURS/FXD $1.09 $53,396 15:02:14 18/05/2024
3 Wrapped XDC Wrapped XDC WXDC WXDC/PLI $0.03633 $15,777 15:02:14 18/05/2024
4 Wrapped XDC Wrapped XDC WXDC WXDC/WTK $0.03626 $10,004 15:02:14 18/05/2024
5 Fathom Dollar Fathom Dollar FXD FXD/WXDC $0.9973 $6,373 15:02:14 18/05/2024
6 Fathom Protocol Fathom Protocol FTHM FTHM/FXD $0.04521 $2,591 15:02:14 18/05/2024
7 Fathom Dollar Fathom Dollar FXD FXD/xUSDT $0.9986 $2,106 15:02:14 18/05/2024
8 WadzPay Token WadzPay Token WTK WTK/PLI $0.07205 $1,583 15:02:14 18/05/2024
9 XSwap Protocol XSwap Protocol XSP XSP/WXDC $0.0008919 $709 15:02:14 18/05/2024
10 Fathom Dollar Fathom Dollar FXD FXD/WXDC $0.9943 $697 15:02:14 18/05/2024
11 XSwap Protocol XSwap Protocol XSP XSP/PLI $0.0009046 $318 15:02:14 18/05/2024
12 Prime Numbers Labs Ecosystem Prime Numbers Labs Ecosystem PRNT PRNT/FXD $3.91 $172 15:02:14 18/05/2024
13 Wrapped XDC Wrapped XDC WXDC WXDC/USDT $0.03647 $93 15:02:14 18/05/2024
14 Prime Numbers Labs Ecosystem Prime Numbers Labs Ecosystem PRNT PRNT/WXDC $3.90 $93 15:02:14 18/05/2024
15 STASIS EURO STASIS EURO EURS EURS/WXDC $1.08 $88 15:02:14 18/05/2024
16 StorX Network StorX Network SRX SRX/WTK $0.04276 $52 15:02:14 18/05/2024
17 StorX Network StorX Network SRX SRX/WXDC $0.04331 $26 15:02:14 18/05/2024
18 StorX Network StorX Network SRX SRX/xUSDT $0.04346 $23 15:02:14 18/05/2024
19 Fathom Protocol Fathom Protocol FTHM FTHM/WXDC $0.04469 $20 15:02:14 18/05/2024
20 Prime Numbers Labs Ecosystem Prime Numbers Labs Ecosystem PRNT PRNT/WXDC $3.79 $9 07:00:20 18/05/2024
21 Fathom Dollar Fathom Dollar FXD FXD/CGO $0.9977 $4 15:02:14 18/05/2024
22 XSwap Treasure XSwap Treasure XTT XTT/WXDC $0.001003 $3 15:02:14 18/05/2024
23 XSwap Treasure XSwap Treasure XTT XTT/XSP $0.001003 $2 15:02:14 18/05/2024
24 Fathom Dollar Fathom Dollar FXD FXD/WTK $0.9873 $2 15:02:14 18/05/2024
25 Prime Numbers Labs Ecosystem Prime Numbers Labs Ecosystem PRNT PRNT/XSP $3.86 $1 15:02:14 18/05/2024
26 Wrapped XDC Wrapped XDC WXDC WXDC/USDT $0.03649 $0 15:02:14 18/05/2024
27 Law Blocks (AI) Law Blocks (AI) LBT LBT/WXDC $0.09353 $29 19:00:15 16/05/2024
28 XSwap Treasure XSwap Treasure XTT XTT/XSP $0.001084 $3 19:00:14 15/05/2024

Kết quả ở bảng trên đang hiển thị trang 1 trên tổng số 1 trang. Hiển thị kết quả từ 1 đến 50.

Trang 1/1

Giới thiệu về sàn XSwap v3 (XDC Network)

XSwap Protocol is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol built on the Xinfin network. It serves as an automated liquidity protocol that enables users to exchange various XRC-20 tokens without the need for a centralized intermediary or order book.

XSwap operates as a decentralized exchange, meaning it doesn't rely on traditional order books. Instead, it utilizes liquidity pools to facilitate token swaps. Users can trade various Xinfin-based tokens directly from their wallets without the need for a centralized authority.

XSwap uses the concept of AMM, which involves using smart contracts to automate trading functions. Liquidity providers (LPs) deposit pairs of tokens into smart contracts, creating liquidity pools. These pools are used to facilitate trades, with prices determined algorithmically based on the ratio of the two tokens in the pool.

Users contribute to liquidity pools by depositing one or two tokens into a smart contract. In return, they receive liquidity provider (LP) tokens, representing their share of the pool. These LP tokens can be redeemed at any time, along with a portion of the trading fees generated by the pool.

Users can easily swap one XRC-20 token for another directly through XSwap's user interface or by interacting with its smart contracts. The trade is executed at the current market price determined by the AMM algorithm.

XSwap is a permissionless and open-source protocol. Anyone can access and use the platform without requiring approval.

XSP is the governance token of the XSwap Protocol. Holders of XSP can participate in the decision-making process by voting on proposals related to the protocol's development and parameters.

XSwap serves as the first launchpad within the XDC network, providing a comprehensive suite of services including token creation, presale initiation, token and liquidity locker, and multisender functionality for all XRC20 tokens. Additionally, XSwap features a robust farming platform and extends its services to include a mobile wallet for user convenience.

XSwap plays a pivotal role in the growth of decentralized finance by providing a user-friendly, permissionless, and efficient way for users to trade a wide variety of tokens directly from their wallets.

Tổng quan nhanh về sàn XSwap v3 (XDC Network)

Sàn XSwap v3 (XDC Network) được xếp hạng thứ # trên toàn thế giới xét theo khối lượng giao dịch.

Tổng khối lượng giao dịch trong 24 giờ tại sàn XSwap v3 (XDC Network) là $267,423, khối lượng giao dịch giảm so với ngày hôm qua 56.45%.

Hiện tại, sàn đang niêm yết 12 coin với số cặp tiền ảo đang giao dịch là 28 cặp.

Sàn XSwap v3 (XDC Network) hỗ trợ các loại giao dịch Giao ngay.

Sàn XSwap v3 (XDC Network) - Khối lượng giao dịch, cặp giao dịch - Danh sách cặp giao dịch Trang 1 - GiaCoin.com
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