Tiền ảo: 29,609 Sàn giao dịch: 763 Vốn hóa: $2,267,601,598,838 Khối lượng (24h): $67,768,002,310 Thị phần: BTC: 53.4%, ETH: 15.7%
Xếp hạng #90 04:56:12 09/05/2024

Khối lượng giao dịch (24h) tại SpiritSwap

$26,752.94 -25.97%
Cặp giao dịch 57 cặp Số coin niêm yết 42 Tiền pháp định -
Khối lượng 24 giờ $26,753 -25.97% Khối lượng 7 ngày $195,618 -59.30% Khối lượng 30 ngày $767,777 -82.56%
Khối lượng giao ngay (24h) $26,861 Khối lượng phái sinh (24h) - Điểm thanh khoản -

Các cặp đang giao dịch Giao ngay tại SpiritSwap

#TiềnCặpGiá (USD)Khối lượng (24h)Cập nhật
1 USDC USDC USDC USDC/WFTM $0.1175 $7,515 04:59:14 09/05/2024
2 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/MIM $0.6581 $4,345 04:59:14 09/05/2024
3 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/WBTC $0.6584 $3,594 04:59:14 09/05/2024
4 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/FRAX $0.6605 $1,993 04:59:14 09/05/2024
5 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/MIMATIC $0.6580 $1,582 04:59:14 09/05/2024
6 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/ICE $0.6579 $1,370 04:59:14 09/05/2024
7 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/AI $0.6581 $1,086 04:59:14 09/05/2024
8 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/WETH $0.6588 $988 04:59:14 09/05/2024
9 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/SPIRIT $0.6587 $928 04:59:14 09/05/2024
10 USDC USDC USDC USDC/FRAX $0.1177 $648 04:59:14 09/05/2024
11 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/TREEB $0.6554 $599 04:59:14 09/05/2024
12 Tether USDt Tether USDt USDT USDT/WFTM $0.07975 $502 04:59:14 09/05/2024
13 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/SPELL $0.6591 $368 04:59:14 09/05/2024
14 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/USTC $0.6600 $354 04:59:14 09/05/2024
15 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/LINK $0.6596 $264 04:59:14 09/05/2024
16 Magic Internet Money Magic Internet Money MIM MIM/wMEMO $0.9868 $168 04:59:14 09/05/2024
17 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/COMB $0.6750 $128 07:00:14 08/05/2024
18 Magic Internet Money Magic Internet Money MIM MIM/WeVE $0.9868 $56 04:59:14 09/05/2024
19 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/YFI $0.6585 $41 04:59:14 09/05/2024
20 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/beFTM $0.6768 $41 07:00:14 08/05/2024
21 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/BEETS $0.6594 $26 04:59:14 09/05/2024
22 SpiritSwap SpiritSwap SPIRIT SPIRIT/DAI $0.005542 $15 04:59:14 09/05/2024
23 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/WSHEC $0.6585 $15 04:59:14 09/05/2024
24 USDC USDC USDC USDC/DEI $0.1174 $14 04:59:14 09/05/2024
25 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/RING $0.6585 $13 04:59:14 09/05/2024
26 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/MAGIK $0.6585 $11 04:59:14 09/05/2024
27 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/FUSD $0.6585 $9 04:59:14 09/05/2024
28 Oath Oath OATH OATH/WFTM $0.02074 $9 04:59:14 09/05/2024
29 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/SUSHI $0.6585 $8 04:59:14 09/05/2024
30 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/TCS $0.6585 $8 04:59:14 09/05/2024
31 Curve DAO Token Curve DAO Token CRV CRV/WFTM $0.05967 $7 04:59:14 09/05/2024
32 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/DAI $0.6603 $7 04:59:14 09/05/2024
33 Morpheus Token Morpheus Token MORPH MORPH/MIM $0.06390 $7 04:59:14 09/05/2024
34 USDC USDC USDC USDC/FUSD $0.1174 $7 04:59:14 09/05/2024
35 USDC USDC USDC USDC/WEVE $0.1174 $5 04:59:14 09/05/2024
36 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/BOO $0.6605 $3 04:59:14 09/05/2024
37 SpiritSwap SpiritSwap SPIRIT SPIRIT/LINSPIRIT $0.005541 $3 04:59:14 09/05/2024
38 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/SFTMX $0.6574 $3 04:59:14 09/05/2024
39 USDC USDC USDC USDC/SPIRIT $0.1171 $2 04:59:14 09/05/2024
40 ZooCoin ZooCoin ZOO ZOO/WFTM $0.0002010 $1 04:59:14 09/05/2024
41 WETH WETH WETH WETH/FUSD $117.04 $1 04:59:14 09/05/2024
42 USDC USDC USDC USDC/HEC $0.1174 $1 04:59:14 09/05/2024
43 Tether USDt Tether USDt USDT USDT/FUSD $0.07956 $1 04:59:14 09/05/2024
44 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/SCREAM $0.6585 $1 04:59:14 09/05/2024
45 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/YOSHI $0.6585 $1 04:59:14 09/05/2024
46 USDC USDC USDC USDC/DEUS $0.1174 $0 04:59:14 09/05/2024
47 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/DEUS $0.6585 $0 04:59:14 09/05/2024
48 Tether USDt Tether USDt USDT USDT/SPIRIT $0.08079 $0 04:59:14 09/05/2024
49 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/TOMB $0.6553 $0 04:59:14 09/05/2024
50 Dai Dai DAI DAI/FUSD $0.04580 $0 04:59:14 09/05/2024

Kết quả ở bảng trên đang hiển thị trang 1 trên tổng số 2 trang. Hiển thị kết quả từ 1 đến 50.

Trang 1/2

Giới thiệu về sàn SpiritSwap

SpiritSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Fantom Opera Chain that launched April 25, 2021. SpiritSwap is a constant-product automated market maker (AMM). In an AMM, users can simply provide liquidity by depositing a token pair into a pool. In return,. they receive LP tokens to track their share of the pool and they earn a fee for every swap that occurs in their pool. User's can trade against a liquidity pool to swap tokens.

Liquidity on SpiritSwap is incentivized through yield farming. Users can stake their SPIRIT-LP tokens to earn SPIRIT tokens (a valueless governance token). SPIRIT tokens can be used to vote in the DAO on parameters such as emissions rates, farms to add, farm allocations, and future development. SPIRIT token holders can also earn revenue from the SpiritSwap protocol.

Tổng quan nhanh về sàn SpiritSwap

Sàn SpiritSwap được xếp hạng thứ #90 trên toàn thế giới xét theo khối lượng giao dịch.

Tổng khối lượng giao dịch trong 24 giờ tại sàn SpiritSwap là $26,753, khối lượng giao dịch giảm so với ngày hôm qua 25.97%.

Hiện tại, sàn đang niêm yết 42 coin với số cặp tiền ảo đang giao dịch là 57 cặp.

Sàn SpiritSwap hỗ trợ các loại giao dịch Giao ngay.

Sàn SpiritSwap - Khối lượng giao dịch, cặp giao dịch - Danh sách cặp giao dịch Trang 1 - GiaCoin.com
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