Tiền ảo: 29,620 Sàn giao dịch: 763 Vốn hóa: $2,321,618,210,536 Khối lượng (24h): $63,857,989,916 Thị phần: BTC: 53.3%, ETH: 15.7%
PancakeSwap v2 (BSC)PancakeSwap v2 (BSC)
Xếp hạng #24 08:26:13 10/05/2024

Khối lượng giao dịch (24h) tại PancakeSwap v2 (BSC)

$39,727,970 -8.32%
Cặp giao dịch 3,172 cặp Số coin niêm yết 2,253 Tiền pháp định -
Khối lượng 24 giờ $39,727,970 -8.32% Khối lượng 7 ngày $260,318,290 -8.16% Khối lượng 30 ngày $1,398,464,539 -35.40%
Khối lượng giao ngay (24h) $39,780,503 Khối lượng phái sinh (24h) - Điểm thanh khoản -

Các cặp đang giao dịch Giao ngay tại PancakeSwap v2 (BSC)

#TiềnCặpGiá (USD)Khối lượng (24h)Cập nhật
1001 MUX Protocol MUX Protocol MCB MCB/WBNB $8.46 $339 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1002 X AI X AI X X/WBNB $0.000000001367 $337 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1003 Wrapped BNB Wrapped BNB WBNB WBNB/Milk $595.41 $337 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1004 Tether USDt Tether USDt USDT USDT/TFS $0.9977 $336 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1005 Tether USDt Tether USDt USDT USDT/BNBX $1.09 $336 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1006 Wrapped BNB Wrapped BNB WBNB WBNB/NEXM $595.41 $333 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1007 Planet Planet AQUA AQUA/WBNB $15.91 $332 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1008 Cat warrior Cat warrior CATWARRIOR CATWARRIOR/WBNB $0.0000008100 $332 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1009 PRIMAL PRIMAL PRIMAL PRIMAL/BUSD $0.0003345 $330 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1010 ETNA Network ETNA Network ETNA ETNA/WBNB $0.00003788 $329 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1011 Deeper Network Deeper Network DPR DPR/WBNB $0.006791 $327 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1012 Dot Dot Finance Dot Dot Finance DDD DDD/WBNB $0.0004700 $326 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1013 Tether USDt Tether USDt USDT USDT/GFT $1.0000 $325 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1014 SELF Crypto SELF Crypto SELF SELF/WBNB $0.005609 $325 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1015 Mask Network Mask Network MASK MASK/WBNB $3.34 $325 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1016 SparkPoint Fuel SparkPoint Fuel SFUEL SFUEL/WBNB $0.001193 $324 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1017 BABYBTC BABYBTC BABYBTC BABYBTC/WBNB $0.005255 $323 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1018 Vai Vai VAI VAI/BUSD $1.00 $323 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1019 Revenue Coin Revenue Coin RVC RVC/BUSD $0.002096 $323 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1020 Tether USDt Tether USDt USDT USDT/2MOON $1.0000 $321 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1021 Wrapped BNB Wrapped BNB WBNB WBNB/LUS $595.41 $317 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1022 Wrapped BNB Wrapped BNB WBNB WBNB/LANC $595.41 $316 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1023 The Kingdom Coin The Kingdom Coin TKC TKC/WBNB $0.002176 $315 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1024 Wrapped BNB Wrapped BNB WBNB WBNB/VMT $595.41 $315 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1025 Wrapped BNB Wrapped BNB WBNB WBNB/ZMN $595.41 $314 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1026 Centcex Centcex CENX CENX/BRISE $0.0006506 $313 07:00:19 10/05/2024
1027 Inery Inery $INR $INR/BUSD $0.01229 $313 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1028 PooCoin PooCoin POOCOIN POOCOIN/WBNB $0.4134 $310 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1029 Nomad Exiles Nomad Exiles PRIDE PRIDE/USDT $0.001438 $310 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1030 KALM KALM KALM KALM/WBNB $0.1137 $308 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1031 Wrapped BNB Wrapped BNB WBNB WBNB/FIRO $601.39 $305 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1032 Tether USDt Tether USDt USDT USDT/IPAD $0.9996 $305 19:00:14 09/05/2024
1033 WagyuSwap WagyuSwap WAG WAG/WBNB $0.001745 $305 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1034 Wrapped BNB Wrapped BNB WBNB WBNB/KANGAL $595.41 $303 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1035 Tether USDt Tether USDt USDT USDT/BeAI $1.0000 $302 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1036 USDC USDC USDC USDC/LIMO $1.00 $301 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1037 Magpie Magpie MGP MGP/BUSD $0.07166 $300 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1038 Tether USDt Tether USDt USDT USDT/CAL $1.0000 $297 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1039 Spore Spore SPORE SPORE/WBNB $0.000000000029 $293 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1040 Tether USDt Tether USDt USDT USDT/ND $1.0000 $293 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1041 π π π π/WBNB $0.000000000010 $292 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1042 Wrapped BNB Wrapped BNB WBNB WBNB/SIMPSONS $595.41 $291 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1043 TTcoin TTcoin TC TC/WBNB $0.0001644 $291 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1044 Lucro Lucro LCR LCR/WBNB $0.00004656 $290 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1045 Elpis Battle Elpis Battle EBA EBA/WBNB $0.004413 $290 07:00:19 10/05/2024
1046 Tether USDt Tether USDt USDT USDT/TRADE $1.0000 $289 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1047 Wrapped BNB Wrapped BNB WBNB WBNB/XWIN $595.41 $289 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1048 EverETH Reflect EverETH Reflect EverETH EverETH/WBNB $0.000000001205 $288 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1049 Avocado DAO Token Avocado DAO Token AVG AVG/WBNB $0.03170 $288 08:29:15 10/05/2024
1050 Wrapped BNB Wrapped BNB WBNB WBNB/BLAZEX $596.46 $287 07:00:19 10/05/2024

Kết quả ở bảng trên đang hiển thị trang 21 trên tổng số 61 trang. Hiển thị kết quả từ 1001 đến 1050.

Giới thiệu về sàn PancakeSwap v2 (BSC)

What Is PancakeSwap (V2)?

PancakeSwap (V2) is a popular decentralized exchange (DEX) allowing BEP-20 token swaps on the BNB Chain. It is the biggest exchange of the BNB Chain ecosystem and one of the top DEXs by market share. The exchange employs an automated market maker (AMM) model, allowing users to trade against a liquidity pool. You can become a liquidity provider and receive LP tokens, which entitle users to a share of the exchange's trading fees.

LP token holders can also engage in yield farming to earn CAKE, the exchange's utility token. The token can be staked in so-called ‘Syrup Pools’ with flexible or fixed-term staking. Flexible staking allows users to unstake at any time, while fixed-term staking maximizes yield and locks up tokens for up to 52 weeks.

Furthermore, PancakeSwap (V2) offers a lottery, where users can win prizes in CAKE. On the NFT marketplace, collectibles can be traded, and with the NFT Profile System, users can set up personalized profiles. There is also a perpetual trading exchange, developed in partnership with ApolloX, that offers futures trading of several popular token pairs without an expiry date. Users can trade popular token pairs with leverage to enter a bigger position than their account balance.

Who Are the PancakeSwap (V2) Founders?

The PancakeSwap (V2) founders are anonymous and head a two-dozen strong team of anonymous "Chefs" working in the exchange's "Kitchen." The exchange is open-source and has been audited by reputable security firms like Certik and Slowmist.

When Did PancakeSwap (V2) Launch?

PancakeSwap (V2) launched in September 2020.

Where Is PancakeSwap (V2) Located?

As it is a decentralized exchange, the team works remotely. However, according to Crunchbase, PancakeSwap has its headquarters in Fukuoka, Japan.

PancakeSwap (V2) Restricted Countries

There are no restricted countries or regions since the exchange is decentralized. However, the following countries and regions are geoblocked: Cuba, Iran, Zimbabwe, Iraq, Crimea, Syria, Sudan, Belarus and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

PancakeSwap (V2) Supported Coins List

All BEP-20 tokens can be traded, as well as several popular futures pairs, such as BTC/USDT, ETH/USDT, BNB/USDT, and all other big layer-one blockchains.

How Much Are PancakeSwap (V2) Fees?

At the time of writing, token swaps incur a 0.25% trading fee, with 0.17% returned to the liquidity pools as a fee reward, 0.03% sent to the treasury and 0.05% sent towards a buyback and burn program.

Is It Possible To Use Leverage or Margin Trade on PancakeSwap (V2)?

The perpetual futures exchange allows leverage of up to 150X on the biggest trading pairs and 50X on smaller trading pairs.

Tổng quan nhanh về sàn PancakeSwap v2 (BSC)

Sàn PancakeSwap v2 (BSC) được xếp hạng thứ #24 trên toàn thế giới xét theo khối lượng giao dịch.

Tổng khối lượng giao dịch trong 24 giờ tại sàn PancakeSwap v2 (BSC) là $39,727,970, khối lượng giao dịch giảm so với ngày hôm qua 8.32%.

Hiện tại, sàn đang niêm yết 2,253 coin với số cặp tiền ảo đang giao dịch là 3,172 cặp.

Sàn PancakeSwap v2 (BSC) hỗ trợ các loại giao dịch Giao ngay.

Sàn PancakeSwap v2 (BSC) - Khối lượng giao dịch, cặp giao dịch - Danh sách cặp giao dịch Trang 21 - GiaCoin.com
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