Tiền ảo: 29,211 Sàn giao dịch: 748 Vốn hóa: $2,277,285,128,175 Khối lượng (24h): $116,084,415,011 Thị phần: BTC: 54.1%, ETH: 16.1%
KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon)KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon)
Xếp hạng #316 18:26:12 16/04/2024

Khối lượng giao dịch (24h) tại KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon)

$974.29 -31.69%
Cặp giao dịch 17 cặp Số coin niêm yết 15 Tiền pháp định -
Khối lượng 24 giờ $974 -31.69% Khối lượng 7 ngày $6,338 +163.61% Khối lượng 30 ngày $31,977 +13.41%
Khối lượng giao ngay (24h) $969 Khối lượng phái sinh (24h) - Điểm thanh khoản -

Các cặp đang giao dịch Giao ngay tại KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon)

#TiềnCặpGiá (USD)Khối lượng (24h)Cập nhật
1 Lido Staked Matic Lido Staked Matic stMATIC stMATIC/USDT $0.7858 $287 18:29:15 16/04/2024
2 Lido Staked Matic Lido Staked Matic stMATIC stMATIC/USDT $0.7775 $190 18:32:21 16/04/2024
3 Dai Dai DAI DAI/USDT $1.00 $176 18:32:21 16/04/2024
4 Dai Dai DAI DAI/USDT $1.00 $109 18:29:15 16/04/2024
5 Wrapped Bitcoin Wrapped Bitcoin WBTC WBTC/TBTC $62,717.44 $71 18:29:15 16/04/2024
6 Wrapped Matic Wrapped Matic WMATIC WMATIC/WETH $0.7103 $54 18:32:21 16/04/2024
7 Wrapped Matic Wrapped Matic WMATIC WMATIC/VIS $0.6993 $37 18:32:21 16/04/2024
8 Wrapped Matic Wrapped Matic WMATIC WMATIC/USDT $0.7008 $14 18:32:21 16/04/2024
9 tBTC tBTC TBTC TBTC/WETH $63,114.77 $11 18:29:15 16/04/2024
10 Wrapped Matic Wrapped Matic WMATIC WMATIC/USDT $0.7089 $5 18:29:15 16/04/2024
11 Wrapped Matic Wrapped Matic WMATIC WMATIC/NAKA $0.6982 $5 18:29:15 16/04/2024
12 Kyber Network Crystal v2 Kyber Network Crystal v2 KNC KNC/LINK $0.5608 $4 18:29:15 16/04/2024
13 Kyber Network Crystal v2 Kyber Network Crystal v2 KNC KNC/AAVE $0.5621 $4 18:29:15 16/04/2024
14 Kyber Network Crystal v2 Kyber Network Crystal v2 KNC KNC/USDC.e $0.5695 $3 19:00:20 15/04/2024
15 Pegaxy Pegaxy PGX PGX/VIS $0.01359 $2 19:00:20 15/04/2024
16 USD Coin Bridged USD Coin Bridged USDC.e USDC.e/AXL $1.00 $2 18:29:15 16/04/2024
17 Wrapped Matic Wrapped Matic WMATIC WMATIC/USDC.e $0.7198 $0 18:29:15 16/04/2024

Kết quả ở bảng trên đang hiển thị trang 1 trên tổng số 1 trang. Hiển thị kết quả từ 1 đến 50.

Trang 1/1

Giới thiệu về sàn KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon)

What KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon)?

KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon) is an upgrade to the existing protocol known as KyberDMM (now KyberSwap Classic). The new protocol inherits all the KyberSwap Classic strengths, while introducing concentrated liquidity.

As a tick-based automated market maker (AMM), the protocol allows liquidity providers (LPs) to supply liquidity to an Elastic pool using a custom price range of their choice. LPs can either set a narrow or a wide price range that accommodates riskier tokens and markets. The protocol also features a Reinvestment Curve that compounds fees by automatically reinvesting the fee earnings of LPs back into the liquidity pool.

Who Are the Founders of KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon)?

The company was founded by Loi Luu and Victor Tran. Loi Luu got his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the National University of Singapore, where he worked to improve the base technical layers of the public blockchain infrastructure. He was a researcher at the Ethereum Foundation between 2016 and 2017 and a blockchain scientific advisor for several financial institutions via Anquan Capital.

Victor Tran is a senior backend engineer and Linux system administrator. He obtained a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University.

When Was KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon) Launched?

The company was founded in 2017 and launched on the Ethereum mainnet in February 2018.

Where Is KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon) Located?

The firm is based in Singapore.

KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon) Restricted Countries

According to the company’s terms and conditions, residents in the following countries are not allowed to use KyberSwap Elastic: Albania, Barbados, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cayman Islands, Haiti, Jamaica, Malta, Mauritius, Morocco, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Senegal, South Sudan, Syria, Uganda, Yemen, Zimbabwe, Iran, and North Korea.

What Coins Are Supported on KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon)?

The exchange has 65 markets, with the most popular trading pairs being MATIC/STMATIC, USDC/STMATIC, and USDC/USDT.

How Much Are KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon) Fees?

KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon) offers a 5-fee tier, which allows LPs to choose the fee tier they want. It ranges across 0.008%, 0.01%, 0.03%, 0.04%, and 1%.

Is it Possible To Use Leverage or Margin Trading on KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon)?

The platform does not support margin trading.

Tổng quan nhanh về sàn KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon)

Sàn KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon) được xếp hạng thứ #316 trên toàn thế giới xét theo khối lượng giao dịch.

Tổng khối lượng giao dịch trong 24 giờ tại sàn KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon) là $974, khối lượng giao dịch giảm so với ngày hôm qua 31.69%.

Hiện tại, sàn đang niêm yết 15 coin với số cặp tiền ảo đang giao dịch là 17 cặp.

Sàn KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon) hỗ trợ các loại giao dịch Giao ngay.

Sàn KyberSwap Elastic (Polygon) - Khối lượng giao dịch, cặp giao dịch - GiaCoin.com
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