Tiền ảo: 29,571 Sàn giao dịch: 762 Vốn hóa: $2,338,930,406,707 Khối lượng (24h): $68,828,255,234 Thị phần: BTC: 53.3%, ETH: 15.8%
Xếp hạng #77 23:56:12 06/05/2024

Khối lượng giao dịch (24h) tại SpookySwap

$870,466 39.96%
Cặp giao dịch 144 cặp Số coin niêm yết 79 Tiền pháp định -
Khối lượng 24 giờ $870,466 +39.96% Khối lượng 7 ngày $6,535,593 +11.99% Khối lượng 30 ngày $24,686,378 +25.78%
Khối lượng giao ngay (24h) $871,039 Khối lượng phái sinh (24h) - Điểm thanh khoản -

Các cặp đang giao dịch Giao ngay tại SpookySwap

#TiềnCặpGiá (USD)Khối lượng (24h)Cập nhật
101 Wrapped Bitcoin Wrapped Bitcoin WBTC WBTC/DMD $2,450.08 $1 23:59:14 06/05/2024
102 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/FRAX $0.7144 $1 23:59:14 06/05/2024
103 Tomb Tomb TOMB TOMB/BOO $0.007651 $1 23:59:14 06/05/2024
104 Oath Oath OATH OATH/FHM $0.02116 $1 17:43:14 06/05/2024
105 Hector Network Hector Network HEC HEC/DAI $0.1486 $1 23:59:14 06/05/2024
106 USDC USDC USDC USDC/axlUSDC $0.1178 $1 23:59:14 06/05/2024
107 USDC USDC USDC USDC/FRAX $0.1193 $1 23:59:14 06/05/2024
108 Curve DAO Token Curve DAO Token CRV CRV/MIM $0.06521 $1 23:59:14 06/05/2024
109 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/GEIST $0.7051 $1 23:59:14 06/05/2024
110 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/PANIC $0.7051 $1 23:59:14 06/05/2024
111 Tether USDt Tether USDt USDT USDT/DMD $0.08483 $1 23:59:14 06/05/2024
112 Dai Dai DAI DAI/DMD $0.04678 $1 23:59:14 06/05/2024
113 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/SPANK $0.7051 $0 23:59:14 06/05/2024
114 Axelar Wrapped USDC Axelar Wrapped USDC axlUSDC axlUSDC/EQUAL $0.9769 $0 23:59:14 06/05/2024
115 Magic Internet Money Magic Internet Money MIM MIM/ICE $0.9829 $0 23:59:14 06/05/2024
116 USDC USDC USDC USDC/TOMB $0.1178 $0 07:00:19 06/05/2024
117 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/SOLID $0.7051 $0 23:59:14 06/05/2024
118 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/SYN $0.6772 $4 07:00:14 03/05/2024
119 Tomb Shares Tomb Shares TSHARE TSHARE/MIMATIC $37.08 $1 19:00:14 04/05/2024
120 USDC USDC USDC USDC/OXD $0.1121 $1 19:00:14 03/05/2024
121 Monster Monster MST MST/WFTM $0.01718 $0 19:00:18 05/05/2024
122 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/ankrFTM $0.6986 $0 19:00:14 04/05/2024
123 USDC USDC USDC USDC/DEI $0.1179 $0 07:00:14 04/05/2024
124 USDC USDC USDC USDC/2SHARES $0.1157 $0 19:00:18 05/05/2024
125 USDC USDC USDC USDC/SOLID $0.1157 $0 19:00:18 05/05/2024
126 USDC USDC USDC USDC/SD $0.1061 $0 19:00:14 01/05/2024
127 USDC USDC USDC USDC/WIS $0.1061 $0 19:00:14 01/05/2024
128 Tomb Shares Tomb Shares TSHARE TSHARE/TOMB $37.15 $0 19:00:14 04/05/2024
129 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/OXD $0.6986 $0 19:00:14 04/05/2024
130 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/RING $0.6772 $0 07:00:14 03/05/2024
131 Tomb Tomb TOMB TOMB/MIMATIC $0.007343 $0 07:00:14 03/05/2024
132 Wrapped Fantom Wrapped Fantom WFTM WFTM/WBOND $0.6903 $0 19:00:18 05/05/2024
133 WETH WETH WETH WETH/MIM $126.56 $0 19:00:18 05/05/2024
134 Wrapped Bitcoin Wrapped Bitcoin WBTC WBTC/WETH $2,452.36 $2,531 23:59:14 06/05/2024
135 USDC USDC USDC USDC/DAI $0.1179 $54 23:59:14 06/05/2024
136 USDC USDC USDC USDC/USDT $0.1171 $20 23:59:14 06/05/2024
137 yearn.finance yearn.finance YFI YFI/WETH $537.86 $6 23:59:14 06/05/2024
138 Tether USDt Tether USDt USDT USDT/WBTC $0.08399 $1 23:59:14 06/05/2024
139 USDC USDC USDC USDC/WBTC $0.1148 $1 23:59:14 06/05/2024
140 USDC USDC USDC USDC/WETH $0.1181 $0 23:59:14 06/05/2024
141 USDC USDC USDC USDC/SPELL $0.1137 $0 07:00:14 03/05/2024

Kết quả ở bảng trên đang hiển thị trang 3 trên tổng số 3 trang. Hiển thị kết quả từ 101 đến 150.

Trang 3/3

Giới thiệu về sàn SpookySwap

What Is SpookySwap?

SpookySwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Fantom blockchain. It operates with an automated market maker (AMM) to provide constant liquidity for traders and allow them to trade against a liquidity pool. It also serves as a bridge between Fantom and other layer-one blockchains.

Token swaps allow customers to trade one token for another with liquidity in the pools. The exchange offers fees below the industry standard. Users can also add liquidity and earn from the swapping fees on the token pairs where they provided liquidity. With more than 18 token pairs, SpookySwap offers the most diverse yield farming opportunities on the Fantom blockchain.

Furthermore, there are single stake pools, where only one token type is needed to stake. In that case, users do not need an LP token and can earn from staking only the platform’s native BOO token. This allows them to get more assets and increase their share of fee-earning tokens.

There is also an NFT collection called Magicats, displaying the two mascot cat characters Grim and Ace.

Finally, the exchange offers a bridge to other blockchains like Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, and Avalanche. Users require a wallet and gas tokens of the chain they are bridging from. The transactions can take between 10 minutes and 24 hours, depending on the traffic.

Who Are the SpookySwap Founders?

The SpookySwap founders are anonymous and work in a decentralized manner.

When Did SpookySwap Launch?

SpookySwap launched in April 2021 and has since earned endorsement and support from the Fantom Foundation and passed more than 50 proposals with its governance token.

Where Is SpookySwap Located?

SpookySwap does not have one location but works in a decentralized manner.

SpookySwap Restricted Countries

At the time of writing, there is no information about restricted countries on this exchange.

SpookySwap Supported Coins List

The exchange supports token swaps for all Fantom-based tokens.

How Much Are SpookySwap Fees?

At the time of writing, token swaps incur a 0.2% trading fee, with 0.22% for limit orders. 0.17% of that is returned to the liquidity pools as a fee reward and 0.05% is allocated towards stakers. Unlike other DEXes, no money returns to the treasury.

Is It Possible To Use Leverage or Margin Trade on SpookySwap?

SpookySwap does not offer leverage or margin trading.

Tổng quan nhanh về sàn SpookySwap

Sàn SpookySwap được xếp hạng thứ #77 trên toàn thế giới xét theo khối lượng giao dịch.

Tổng khối lượng giao dịch trong 24 giờ tại sàn SpookySwap là $870,466, khối lượng giao dịch tăng so với ngày hôm qua 39.96%.

Hiện tại, sàn đang niêm yết 79 coin với số cặp tiền ảo đang giao dịch là 144 cặp.

Sàn SpookySwap hỗ trợ các loại giao dịch Giao ngay.

Sàn SpookySwap - Khối lượng giao dịch, cặp giao dịch - Danh sách cặp giao dịch Trang 3 - GiaCoin.com
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